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praise reports
prayer requests
Submit prayer request or praise report here
POWER UPGRADEPower upgrade progress
Pastor Saeed
My son
Salvation of family
Wanda - my daughter's decision about her sexuality
Edmund - Pray for Poland (freedom for religion, Church of US (wake up), wife Dorothy, daughter Ann (husband), sons Peter (God's direction) & Daniel (school), my work
Williams family
Buxton Family
Haney family - job situation
Financial breakthrough
Fathers to be who they need to be
Soldiers in warzones
Those fighting cancer
Belinda P
Maria with MS
Felipe, Guadalupe, Mayra, & Arpaldo
Toby - sell house
Joshua, Kenneth, Gabe
Brittany, Vangie, Scott
Sarah's - stress and finances for family
Protection for a christian from an abusive, unsaved family
Spiritual Impact Mar 8
Ashley & Greg - high risk pregnancy and newlywed
LeBlanc family - lost home to fire and lost mother
Alexander family - need to find home
Gingerbug - chihuahua - slipped disk
Jaime's health and peace
Pam's family for home and jobs
Darlene - provision and restoration of her marriage
Jillian - family
Need prayer? Share with us by filling out the form below and submitting it.
Prayer answered? Share that with us too by filling out the form below and submitting.
Led to pray? Be our guest (we have regular prayer warriors praying but we can never have too many).